Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science - Student Guide

Last Updated: December 19, 2023

Think of this webpage as your official handbook. We recommend that you bookmark this page, save it to your favorites, or download it for offline reading on your mobile device so you can return to it whenever you want!  Important information for newly admitted and continuing students can be found in the below sections along with links to additional information and resources.  The content that follows outlines academic policies and procedures governing enrollment in the Master of Science in Computer Science at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering.

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The EngageSC App connects students to important resources, events, and involvement opportunities across USC and Viterbi.Visit or download (for iOS or Android) to learn more about ways to get connected, get involved, and get support! You can also earn points, prizes, and badges for participating!

Fight On!

Dear CSCI and DSCI Students,

First, let me welcome all our new students to the Computer Science Department! Your arrival means our department now has all it needs to be better than ever.  You are as crucial to our success as a top ranked university, now and in the future, as our outstanding faculty and cutting-edge research. You had many choices of where to go to pursue your academic goals. The fact that you – the largest and most accomplished entering class in our history – have chosen to come to USC is something we don’t take lightly and will never take for granted. Some of you have come from the other side of the world to be here. Some of you are just from across the street. All of you will now call this department home, help shape who we are, determine what we want to achieve, represent us to the rest of the world, and work together with our remarkable continuing students to achieve even greater heights for our department, our school, and our  ever-evolving discipline.

Finally, I am excited to inform you about a program in our department, called the Industry Affiliate Program (IAP). The Industry Affiliate Program was created to foster dynamic, mutually beneficial, collaborative relationships between academic and industry leaders committed to advancing goals in education, research, technology, and entrepreneurialism in the fields of computer science and interdisciplinary computing.  You are a big part of this program, through which you will have the opportunity to interact with industry leaders in computer science.

It’s a fantastic time to be a computer scientist at USC and we’re delighted you’re all here to be a part of it!


Nenad Medvidović
Professor of Computer Science
Chair, Department of Computer Science

Published on May 4th, 2021Last updated on February 10th, 2025