Research Areas and Labs
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Privacy/FATE
Artificial intelligence (AI) researchers seek to understand and develop machines with human-level intelligence by exploring academic and real-world challenges.
At USC, we are pioneering breakthroughs in a full spectrum of topics related to AI, including machine learning, human-robot interaction, information extraction, and privacy protection.
Our researchers are working in areas where AI has been studied for decades—like language—and where the tools are just starting to make inroads—such as efforts to combat human trafficking, conserve endangered wildlife, and diagnose and treat diseases, including Alzheimer's.
We understand that the long-term goal of building intelligent machines relies on collaboration across many fields. That’s why we also work closely with researchers across application domains, such as healthcare, social work, and linguistics.
Affective Computing Group
Automatic Coordination of Teams (ACT) Lab
Center for Autonomy and AI
Center on Knowledge Graphs
Cognitive Architecture
Cognitive Learning for Vision and Robotics Lab
Collaboratory for Algorithmic Techniques and Artifical Intelligence (CATAI)
Computational Linguistics
Computational Neuroscience Lab (iLab)
Computational Social Science Laboratory
IRIS Computer Vision Lab (CV-Lab)
Data, Interpretability, Language and Learning (DILL) Lab
Data Science Lab
Haptics Robotics and Virtual
ICT Natural Language Dialogue Group
IDM Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Information Laboratory (InfoLab)
Intelligence and Knowledge Discovery (INK) Research Lab
Integrated Media Systems Center (IMSC)
Interaction Lab
Interactive and Collaborative Autonomous Robotic Systems (ICAROS) Lab
Interactive Knowledge Capture
Machine Learning and Data Mining Lab (Melady)
Polymorphic Robotics Lab
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Center (RASC)
Robotic Embedded Systems Lab
Robotics Research Lab
Semantic Information Research
Speech Analysis and Interpretation Lab (SAIL)
USC Brain project
USC Center for Artificial Intelligence in Society
USC Center for Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence
Aleksandra Korolova
Andrew Gordon
Aram Galstyan
Barath Raghavan
Bill Swartout
Bistra Dilkina
Craig Knoblock
Cyrus Shahabi
David Kempe
David Traum
Fred Morstatter
Gale Lucas
Gaurav Sukhatme
Greg Ver Steeg
Haipeng Luo
Heather Culbertson
Jay Pujara
Jesse Thomason
Jiapeng Zhang
John Heidemann
Jonathan Gratch
Jonathan May
Jose Luis Ambite
Jyotirmoy Deshmukh
Kallirroi Georgila
Kristina Lerman
Laurent Itti
Leana Golubchik
Maja Matarić
Michael Zyda
Mohammad Soleymani
Mukund Raghothaman
Ning Wang
Paul Rosenbloom (Emeritus)
Ram Nevatia
Robin Jia
Satish Thittamaranahalli
Saty Raghavachary
Shaddin Dughmi
Shang-Hua Teng
Srivatsan Ravi
Stefanos Nikolaidis
Swabha Swayamdipta
Tatyana Ryutov
Ulrich Neumann
Victor Adamchik
Weihang Wang
Wei-Min Shen
Wensheng Wu
Xiang Ren
Yan Liu
Yolanda Gil
Theory and Computation
USC has a strong and active background in modern theoretical computer science, with research spanning a broad range of topics. Areas of particular interest include the theory of algorithms and optimization, graph theory, scalable algorithms, theory of machine learning, computational geometry, complex analysis, computational complexity, algorithmic number theory, and cryptography.
Our researchers in this area are particularly motivated by bridging the gap between theory and practice, such as algorithmic design and optimization, cryptography and security, and automated verification and formal methods.
In addition, we have strong connections to other fields, including economics and game theory, pure mathematics, applied mathematics and scientific computing, network science, and sociology, as well as the evolution of concepts, ideas, and organisms.
Systems, Databases, Software Engineering, Cyber-Physical Systems, Security
The demands on modern computing systems are increasingly complex, from small embedded systems in phones, laptops and wearables, to large-scale cloud computing and high-performance networks.
Systems, databases, and software engineering research at USC aims to develop innovative hardware and software across the computing spectrum for existing technologies and to support future power-efficient, sustainable, and secure computer systems.
From smart cities and intelligent transportation systems to personalized medicine, next-generation computer systems will require new, innovative, and visionary approaches to hardware, wired and wireless communication.
At USC, researchers investigate various issues in the design and analysis of infrastructures for large networks. We focus on fundamental aspects of information acquisition, processing, security, privacy, storage, and communication.
Our research interests include crowd-sensing, program analysis, privacy-preserving systems, network design and management, software-defined networking, cloud computing, internet measurement, software verification and synthesis, advanced 5G wireless networks, and data center design.
ANT (The Analysis of Network Traffic Lab)
Autonomous Networks Research Group
Center for Computer Systems Security
Center for Systems and Software Engineering (CSSE)
Center on Knowledge Graphs
Collaboratory for Advanced Computing and Simulations (CACS)
FPGA/Parallel Computing Group
Information Laboratory / USC
Integrated Media Systems Center (IMSC)
Networked Systems Lab
Quantitative Evaluation & Design Lab (QED)
Safe Autonomy and Intelligent Distributed Systems (SAIDS) Lab
STEEL Security Research Lab
The Postel Center
Andrew Goodney
Barath Raghavan
Bill Cheng
Bill Swartout
Chao Wang
Claire Bono
Clifford Neuman
Craig Knoblock
Cyrus Shahabi
Ellis Horowitz
Ewa Deelman
Fred Morstatter
Jelena Mirkovic
John Heidemann
Jose Luis Ambite
Jyotirmoy Deshmukh
Lars Lindemann
Leana Golubchik
Mark Redekopp
Mukund Raghothaman
Nenad Medvidovic
Ramesh Govindan
Saty Raghavachary
Shahram Ghandeharizadeh
Shawn Shamsian
Srivatsan Ravi
Tatyana Ryutov
Weihang Wang
Wensheng Wu
William G.J. Halfond
Xiang Ren
Computer Vision, Robotics, Graphics and HCI
At USC, the areas of computer vision, robotics, graphics and human-computer interaction (HCI) represent the interface between computers and the world.
Robotics at USC focuses on developing effective, robust, human-centric, and scalable robotic systems. In this area, our expertise ranges from socially assistive robotics and novel haptic technology to complex human-robot interaction and multi-robot systems.
In computer vision and graphics, our researchers bridge the physical and digital worlds through advanced recognition and analysis algorithms, as well as immersive technologies like augmented and virtual reality.
Our strengths in computer vision include object detection and recognition, face identification, activity recognition, video retrieval, and integrating computer vision with natural language queries.
Our graphics researchers focus on interactive techniques and the simulation and synthesis of multimedia, 3D content, and virtual worlds. Their work includes image-based modeling and reconstruction, shape analysis, 3D face processing, human digitization, efficient physics simulation, and image and video-based rendering techniques.
Computer Graphics Group
Geometry and Graphics Group
Computer Graphics, Animation and Simulation Laboratory
Computer Graphics and Immersive Technologies (CGIT)
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Center (RASC)
Haptics Robotics and Virtual Interaction (HaRVI) Lab
Autonomous Robotic Systems (ICAROS) Lab
Interaction Lab
Robotic Embedded Systems Lab
Safe Autonomy and Intelligent Distributed Systems (SAIDS) Lab
Vision & Graphics Lab at USC ICT
Andrew Goodney
David Pynadath
David Traum
Gale Lucas
Gaurav Sukhatme
Heather Culbertson
Jernej Barbic
Jesse Thomason
Jonathan Gratch
Kallirroi Georgila
Lars Lindemann
Laurent Itti
Maja Mataric
Mark Redekopp
Michael Zyda
Mohammad Soleymani
Ning Wang
Oded Stein
Paul Rosenbloom
Ram Nevatia
Satish Thittamaranahalli
Saty Raghavachary
Stefanos Nikolaidis
Ulrich Neumann
Wein-Min Shen
Yolanda Gil