![Featured image for “[UG/MS/PhD] ESA Fossil Free Research & Energy Transition Forum”](https://www.cs.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/ESA-Fossil-Free-Research-Energy-Transition-Forum-1-e1712100464255.png)
The following announcement is from the Environmental Student Assembly. Please contact them directly if you have any questions.
This Friday, April 5, at 12 PM, we are co-hosting a moderated discussion in the Sustainability Hub & on Zoom on ESA’s campaign to move the University towards fossil-free research. The discussion will involve both student panelists and Viterbi faculty, and aims to garner more transparency on USC’s involvement with fossil fuel companies. We would like to invite Viterbi students, staff, and faculty to this event and would appreciate your help in sharing the flyer attached below as well as the registration link. Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions!
RSVP link for in-person registration or to access Zoom: https://forms.gle/2zNqxBJBbswo4sXq9
Abeerah Siddiqui
Director of University Outreach, Environmental Student Assembly 23-24
Published on April 2nd, 2024Last updated on April 2nd, 2024